Model B
Psychomotricity on a giant chessboard for primary school with the CASTLE model
(from 5 to 7 years old)
This output has been produced by the CASTLE project (Erasmus 2014/2017 Success Story), in the context of the development of cognitive and psychomotor skills in first and second class primary pupils. It is certainly an activity able to help teachers in their entire educational task, not in itself proposed with the exclusive aim of chess learning.
Among the many aims of this activity, we can highlight those that can mainly be part of the educational needs in that age group, such as enabling children to: master laterality and lateralization to improve the space-time organization, to know the directions (vertical back and forth; horizontal left and right, diagonal), to know and experience different rhythms and to learn to collaborate and respect each other through play.
The aim of this didactic protocol is to make the various activities, all based on games, accompanied by fairy tales, applicable in the classroom by the teacher who can find here a text written in a precise and very detailed way. In order to increase the understanding of the conduction and objectives of each game, each activity has an illustrative video recorded live so that you can understand how the activity was carried out by a teacher in an experimental class.
The curriculum consist into 15 lessons consisting of 3/4 activities each, and each lesson take one hour to complete.