The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project code 2020-1-IT02-KA201-079863

Pedagogical use of chess in schools
The “Chess: A Game to be Spread in Schools“ project aims to support the implementation of the Declaration of 15 March 2012 of the European Parliament, which encourages the introduction of the ‘Chess in school’ programme in the education systems of the Member States.

Psychomotricity on a giant chessboard for kindergarten
This output stems from the observation that play on a giant chessboard has given excellent results in the CASTLE project, in the context of the development of cognitive and psychomotor skills in first and second class primary pupils (teaching model B in this project)

Psychomotricity on a giant chessboard for primary school
This output has been produced by the CASTLE project (Erasmus 2014/2017 Success Story), in the context of the development of cognitive and psychomotor skills in first and second class primary pupils

Chess for primary school with the CASTLE model plus the web
A model for 8/11 years old pupils, to provide teachers a detailed manual to teach their pupils the basic rules of the game of chess, using also the learning platform "Victor chess house". A system used in the CASTLE project, successfully.

Chess for primary school plus videos and the web
A model for 8/11 years old pupils, to provide teachers with a manual for learning the rules, interactive minigames, illustrative videos, exercises and explanations to introduce the first elements of coding.